Over the past several years, GSWA has strived to provide efficient and reliable waste management services while maintaining affordable rates for our customers. Notably, GSWA has not undergone a rate increase since 2012. However, to effectively continue its programs and address major priorities over the next five years, including regulatory compliance priorities, funding Layon Landfill cell closure, post closure care and new cell development, debt service payments, and equipment replacements, we find it necessary to petition the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for a rate adjustment to address the rising costs associated with operating and continuing GSWA programs.

GSWA’s management audit conducted in 2020 recommended a rate adjustment, however GSWA was able to temporarily delay a rate increase due to the availability of funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) after COVID-19, and increased revenue resulting from additional waste received following Typhoon Mawar. Unfortunately, with ARPA funding no longer being available, GSWA anticipates a $1.8 million deficit in Fiscal Year 2025, necessitating the need for rate adjustments.

On or around July 2024, GSWA will submit its rate proposal to the PUC. These proposed rate changes do not include Community Benefit Charge. The current rates, two proposed rates/scenarios and resulting amounts of increases are presented in the link below.

GSWA remains committed to transparency and open communication. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the rate increase petition, its timeline, and the anticipated impact on your monthly bill, please submit a message below:

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